Saturday, May 1, 2010

Temporary Holding Site

We were using Blogger to publish our website to our server via FTP. Blogger's killed that feature, so things are a little wonky right now. Once I figure out a better solution, I'll implement it.

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Monday, April 26, 2010


Late last night our recently formed raiding arm, Aegis Doxa, Conquered the final large raid of WoLK downing the man formerly known as Arthas! After long struggles and over 45 attempts in the last 3 weeks, the group finally completed their objective of being the first recoginsed 10 man strict raid to actually down the Lich King on Elune. So congratulations are due to Acaleira(AKA me), Buradin, Bustuon, Ezabella, Jibrael, Kamiharu, Kamitsuchi(aka Corwin), Moggy(of Invalid Target), Rihanna, and Rikastley!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Authenticator Now Required

After a rash of account hackings, it is now required that all players have and use an authenticator to gain access to the bank. Granted very little of value is ever removed it is still very frustrating to see something that could have been useful go to waste. Having an authenticator won't kill you. In fact it can prevent the very thing that happened to our latest victim. The hackers that got Arieya put their own authenticator on her account making it doubly difficult for her to get it back from Blizzard.

So get one before the hackers do. Everyone that has an iPhone or iPod touch should get one, it's free. If you don't have an iphone, order one(US)(international) from the store, or you think 6.50 is too much(FYI they don't charge shipping on authenticators), get the mobile authenticator for your phone for 2 bucks or so. It will save you a massive headache. Trust me.

Plus you get probably the most animated pet in the game. The corehound pup never stops doing something fun, as long as you're not moving!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

3.3 is here

That's right. The Fall of the Lich King had begun. New instances are fun, but hella painful if you can't stop your DPS fast enough as you'll probably kill yourself a few times*cough*. Haven't raided yet, but things were pretty unstable all of yesterday. Things seem smoother atm, but that could simply be a lower population situation, we'll know better how it is tonight.

Now if only my 10 man would get it's ass together....

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Thursday, October 8, 2009


Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that this past saturday, the indefatigable PUG stomped down Anub'Arak in spectacular fashion. And I forgot to get a screenshot again. Maybe we'll grab something this week.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ToCr 25 PUGged by Indefatigable UOVers

Sometime yesterday, Marrs decided to try and pug Trial of the Crusader 25. Several members of the guild got involved and we managed to strike deep into the heart of the instance. In fact we one shot beasts and Jaraxxus, and promptly downed Faction champs and the Twins in two tries. We then fell into Anub'arak's lair and tried a few times but couldn't quite get him down as it was getting quite late for a lot of out east coast memebers who needed sleep or soemthing. Suffice to say is was an awesome run all around.

Some of our guild made out like bandits, and luckily we had both tailoring robes drop and Arieya and Gwaendel were the only 450 tailors in the raid. So Arieya has Merlin's Robe and Gwaendel has Royal Mooshroud Robe.

Some of us got bored after and decided to roflstomp 10 man, and so we pretty much did, except where Kamiahru was tanking for the first time. The most challenging part was probably when Frosthowl decided to die right under Thrall and Garrosh, causing many issues with the faction champions. We still two shot them. Most of the other bosses proved less difficult. Except for where silly snobolds killed our healers twice because Dinal apparently doesn't stop DPSing the silly magmoth. Suffice to say it was still quite fun all around. Can't wait to do it all again.

If someone has some screenies, I might be able to post those too. So post 'em online and I'll add them in.

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